Companies, no matter of their size
and activities, work with us
"Before PointAI, we needed a large team around the world for 24/7 support. Now, with PointAI, we have a smaller team handling only Level 2 Support, as PointAI takes care of all Level 1 Support."
Almas Abulkhairov, CEO at SpatialChat
Connecting social networks with PointAI allowed us to increase sales by 32% in the first month. At the same time, account access is securely protected. Operators respond to messages from the PointAI application, and only authorized personnel have access to passwords.
Timur Kremenetsky, CEO of Blossom Flower Delivery
“With the introduction of the pointai chatbot, the number of leads increased by 70%, and conversions to deals increased by 15%. Now we don't miss any messages from customers even after business hours.”
Botagoz Zhuman, CEO ofTeenTechEd
Transformation of the 1st level Customer Support service
$266,000+ annual savings on customer support processes
Converting incoming chats into sales opportunities