Omnichannel and Analytics for customer support

Livechat, Instagram, TikTok Messenger and everything else in one place. We monitor your
employees' performace and improve their efficiency
Laptop screen with open chat
Логотип Space Coworking
Логотип FOM
Логотип Teen Tech Ed
Логотип SpatialChat
Логотип BlossomFlower

Companies, no matter of their size
and activities, work with us

Transformation of the 1st level Customer Support service
A happy user on a blue background
A serious user on a pink background
$266,000+ annual savings on customer support processes
A happy user on a yellow background
Converting incoming chats into sales opportunities

“Before PointAI, we needed a large team around the world for 24/7 support. Now, with PointAI, we have a smaller team handling only Level 2 Support, as PointAI takes care of all Level 1 Support.”

Almas Abulkhairov, CEO at SpatialChat

“Подключение соцсетей в pointai позволило уже в первый месяц увеличить продажи на 32%. При этом доступ к аккаунтам надежно защищен: операторы отвечают на сообщения из приложения pointai, а пароли знают только ответственные лица”

Тимур Кременетский, СЕО BlossomFlower Delivery. США

“C внедрением чат-бота pointai количество лидов выросло на 70%, а конверсии в сделки увеличились на 15%. Теперь мы не пропускаем ни одного сообщения от клиентов даже в нерабочее время”

Ботагоз Жуман , CEO TeenTechEd. Казахстан

Companies, no matter of their size
and activities, work with us

"Before PointAI, we needed a large team around the world for 24/7 support. Now, with PointAI, we have a smaller team handling only Level 2 Support, as PointAI takes care of all Level 1 Support."

Almas Abulkhairov, CEO at SpatialChat

Connecting social networks with PointAI allowed us to increase sales by 32% in the first month. At the same time, account access is securely protected. Operators respond to messages from the PointAI application, and only authorized personnel have access to passwords.

Timur Kremenetsky, CEO of Blossom Flower Delivery

“With the introduction of the pointai chatbot, the number of leads increased by 70%, and conversions to deals increased by 15%. Now we don't miss any messages from customers even after business hours.”

Botagoz Zhuman, CEO ofTeenTechEd
Transformation of the 1st level Customer Support service
A happy user on a blue background
A serious user on a pink background
$266,000+ annual savings on customer support processes
A happy user on a yellow background
Converting incoming chats into sales opportunities
Chat messages

Omnichannel for easy communication with customers

Communicate with customers in one place, don’t miss a single customer message, respond faster and more efficiently.
Official integration with Telegram account, WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, Email and Live-chat
Full integration
Manage customer inquiries through a single ticketing system for quick and efficient resolution
Ticket system
Can help you with writing answers, control your entire teams ton of voice and help you to find correct information from database
AI Assistant
Capture important details of customer communication for better understanding and follow-up action
The system of notes
Active tickets remain visible and chats are sorted by priority for easy and efficient management
Priority Chat List
Evaluate employee performance and set salaries based on analytical data and industry benchmarks
Performance Reports

Protect your business

Take control of the communication between your employees and customers

Former employees and lost phones no longer threaten the safety of data and customer databases
Cards with statistics

Effective management based on data

Improve the quality of service by motivating employees. The system tracks the work of agents and links their payroll to the results, simplifying the control of the department
Create in-depth individual reports for each employee
Personalized reports
Link employees' payroll to their performance to encourage high results
Motivation through results
Analyze customer interactions to identify best practices and growth points
Improving the customer experience
The process of entering text in AI

Optimization of manual processes at a new level

Your assistant in every task: an AI assistant for communicating with customers and optimizing everyday processes
Our platform tracks all key customer support metrics and SLA
Chews up analytics
Our platform aggregates all messages from your company’s social networks, providing a seamless omnichannel experience
It will improve the treatmentv
Our AI assistant optimizes tasks and minimizes time spent on monotonous activities, enhancing productivity
Help in the discussion
Open Support chat

Maximum efficiency of the support service with AI

Communicating with your customers reduces the amount of support resources by 80%, ensures uninterrupted 24/7 operation and increases customer satisfaction by almost 2 times
Time is money.

Save both.
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